Lunchtimes are 12.30pm – 1.20pm for years 7, 9 C band and Year 11, and 1.20pm – 2.10pm for years 8, 9 M band and 10 from Monday to Thursday.  On Fridays, lunchtimes are 11.40am – 12.30pm for years 7 and 9 and 12.30pm – 1.20pm for years 8 and 10. Our senior staff are on duty every lunchtime, as well as our lunchtime supervisors. Our lunch is in two sittings, and scholars are encouraged to sit and eat their lunch in the Dining Hall.

School meals are cooked on the premises – a wide variety of healthy foods are provided. Please see our menus at the bottom of this page.

We teach our scholars etiquette at mealtimes and expect them to eat their food sensibly.

Our scholars also have a great range of choice in food and drinks to purchase at break and lunchtimes.

We ask that glass containers, fizzy drinks and sweets are not bought into school.


Castle Mead Academy is a ‘cashless’ site. We do not want scholars having to carry cash to pay for school activities. Parents/carers can pay for school lunches, trips and activities via My Child At School. Instructions as to how to do this will be shared with parents/carers during transition. This will mean that scholars can buy food from the hall using their ID cards. If you have any questions about this, please contact the academy.

Free School Meals

You may be entitled to free school meals – details of how to apply can be found here

School Meals

Week 1 Week Commencing
Week 2 Week Commencing
Week 3 Week commencing

CMA Chartwells Menu

A vegetarian option is available daily. If you have any dietary requirements ie. gluten free, please speak to the Catering staff at breaktime, they will ensure a meal is available for lunchtime.