Homework provides an opportunity for scholars to revise and consolidate knowledge. Engaging regularly in active recall and spaced repetition as part of homework can support scholars in the memorization, and deep understanding, of powerful knowledge.  Homework can also be an opportunity for scholars to build confidence and develop fluency, when engaging in highly structured practice activities.

In addition to this, homework allows scholars to develop positive learning habits and metacognitive abilities.  For instance, homework can:

  • enhance study skills e.g. planning, time management and self-discipline.
  • encourage scholars to take ownership and responsibility for learning.
  • develop scholars’ abilities to be independent.

Homework also enables scholars to share their learning with their families.

Types of homework

At Castle Mead, we prioritise ‘Mode A’ homework (Tom Sherrington, 2019) in the majority of subjects.  With ‘Mode A’ homework, the emphasis is on consolidation and practice.  ‘Mode A’ homework comprises routine practice questions and knowledge retrieval. Active recall homework should be set regularly and systematically as this facilitates memorisation, thereby enabling deeper understanding by creating space in the working memory.

‘Mode B’ homework tasks, which are more creative and open-ended in nature (e.g. projects and presentations), may occasionally be set as part of a varied homework diet.  However, staff should carefully consider whether homework is the best time for scholars to embark on the specific task set and whether the homework has been sufficiently scaffolded to enable all scholars to access successfully.

School Procedures

  • Failure to complete work will be addressed initially through the academy’s behaviour consequences system, with a D3 issued.
  • Exceptional work will be recognised through the school’s rewards system.
  • Homework will be set on Satchel One. This will enable parents and staff to have an overview of homework and to monitor the completion and frequency of work.
  • All homework will be appropriate to the needs of scholars.