Certain GCSE and BTEC courses have non-examination assessments. These measure subject-specific knowledge and skills that cannot be tested by timed written papers. Subjects that contain NEA’s at Castle Mead Academy are; BTEC Sport, GCSE PE, Food and Nutrition, Geography, Art and Textiles.

The aware bodies set down strict rules which must be followed for the conduct of non-examined components (NEA’s)  and  Castle Mead Academy is required to follow them precisely.  You should, therefore, please pay particular attention to the policies listed below and all scholars are required to read them. It includes details of the examination regulations and procedures to follow in the event of any problems occurring.

We hope this information will prove helpful for scholars and families as you prepare your NEAs.

Non-Examination Assessment Policy V.02
JCQ Non Exam Assessments Policy 2023-2024