KS3 Exam Preparation

At Castle Mead Academy, we believe that everyone is capable of excellence. We strive for every scholar to understand the science of learning and to feel confident in working independently both inside and outside of the classroom, which is an essential skill for homework, revision, and for life in general.

Therefore, through their lessons and homework, you learn a variety of revision strategies to support your development as an independent learner.

Importance of Revision

By being proactive around your self-directed retrieval practice, you increase your knowledge regularly and master the skills necessary to succeed academically.  Please see below, information on the importance of retrieval and revision.

Revision Strategies

  1. Mind Maps


  1. Flashcards


  1. Cornell Notes

 Do not:-

  • re-read multiple times,
  • read and highlight,
  • copy material out.

All of these activities require very little brain effort and thus have very little impact on your long-term memory.

How to revise for each subject

Please see the below links to Videos which highlights how to revise each subject.