PS16 is an online prospectus and application system for young people to apply to school sixth forms, colleges and training providers. Anyone can browse the prospectus to find out more about courses and opportunities, but to make an application you will need a log in.

At the start of year 11, scholars consider their  post-16 options with regards to the type of qualification, course, and training they would like to embark upon and the institution or provider they would like to attend.

During the autumn term, year 11 scholars have a weekly lesson with their tutor, supported by the careers team, to fully complete their post 16 applications by the end of December.  All scholars will be set up with an account on the ‘Positive Steps @ 16’ (PS16) website. They will use this website to search for different colleges and providers and find out about the courses they offer.  They will then make their applications through this website.  All information and ‘how to guides’ will be uploaded to this page.  Whilst scholars will have dedicated time and support within school to research courses and complete their applications they will also need to spend time independently at home with support from parents/carers and families. Please contact the careers team in school or via [email protected] if you require any additional support.

Save the Date – Castle Mead Academy’s Post 16 and Careers Fair Wednesday 9 October 4.30pm-7pm

Our post 16 and careers fair is a key part of the post 16 application process. During this event, your child will have the opportunity to speak to a wide variety of post-16 providers, local employers, apprenticeship providers and universities. The purpose of the evening is to encourage scholars to start to think about their next steps after they leave Castle Mead Academy. All young people are now expected to stay in some form of education or training until the age of 18; this event will provide them with an appreciation of the options available to them when they finish their GCSEs.

Local college open events autumn 2024

Alongside attending the CMA post 16 and careers fair, we would strongly encourage scholars and families to visit as many college and provider open events as possible, as this is the only way to get a true feel for what it would be like to study at each setting.  We will update this page as more information becomes available.

Beauchamp City Sixth Form – 

Gateway College – Saturday 9 November 10am-1pm

Leicester College – Tuesday 29 October 5pm-7.30pm

Loughborough College – Saturday 5 October 9.30am-1pm

North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College (NWSLC)
Hinckley and Wigston Campus 
Nuneaton, Harrowbrook and MIRA Campus 

SMB College Group
ooksby Campus – Saturday 12 October 9am-1.30pm and Saturday 16 November 9am-4pm
Stephenson Campus – Saturday 2 November 10am-1pm
Animal studies open day – Sat 9 November 10am-1pm
Performing arts open day – Tuesday 12 November 5pm-7pm

Wigston College – 

Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College (WQE) – Sat 2 November 9am-3pm

What qualification levels mean

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland there are 9 qualification levels – Find out what they mean

T levels

What are T Levels video – GOV.UK (

Choosing A levels

UCAS – Search for university courses

Discover Uni – Compare universities, courses and entry requirements

Russell Group information and advice on choosing A level subjects – Informed Choices

Key deadlines in the PS16 application process are listed below:

  • Friday 13 December –  deadline to have submitted three applications.

Year 11 students will be issued with their usernames and passwords in October in order to start to put together their post-16 applications via the ‘Positive Steps @ 16  website.

PS16 user guides

CMA presentations

  • Logging into PS16 and Completing Profile
  • Favouriting Courses in PS16
  • Introducing personal statements
  • Creating an application in PS16

Please note that some of the demonstration materials do look slightly different to the live site as the demo is a national resource, where as the website is branded as ‘Positive Steps’ at local level.